Safety – Wizz App (2024)

At Wizz, safety is our single highest priority and serves as the foundation for everything we do. As a top destination for young people to connect online, we’re dedicated to continually enhancing our safety measures to meet the demands of the dynamic online landscape.

Our comprehensive safety ecosystem, including suite of safety tools, robust infrastructure, and iron-clad policies, positions us among other pioneers in safety innovation, earning recognition from industry authorities.

To bolster our technical safeguards, we employ safety and moderation specialists who proactively oversee platform activities around the clock. We thoroughly review each user report and address all confirmed breaches of our Community Guidelines, using real-time notifications to promote positive behavior among our users.

The Safety pages are designed to support parents, guardians, educators, and young adults with essential resources and guidance.

Our team is deeply committed to creating the safest online environment possible, ensuring a space that you can rely on.

Positive & Safe Environment

Our goal is for every user to enjoy a safe and positive time on Wizz, which is why we’ve integrated a wide array of safety features right from sign-up. This commitment to safety has earned us honours from industry experts, positioning us at the forefront of safety innovation.

We use three sophisticated AI safety tools:

Yoti is a our age verification partner. Upon creation of account on Wizz, the users are required to look at the camera on their device and have their photo taken. This permits Yoti to instantly launch an algorithm that estimates their age based on their face scan. Then they compare the estimated age with the birthdate provided by the user and decide if it’s accurate. Moreover, this allows us to place users in age categories on the platform, for example a user of 15 years old can only speak to people their age, people one year younger and one year older.

Besedo is our text moderation partner: every word on Wizz goes through Besedo. All inappropriate content is immediately blocked by the platform before it can be sent to or seen by users. We work together every day to constantly refine our filters to stay up to date with evolving trends and slang, guaranteeing a safer environment on Wizz.

Sightengine is our image moderation partner. Their advanced AI technology meticulously scans every image and video. This system identifies and blocks any inappropriate content within seconds, before it can surface on Wizz, thereby upholding the highest standards of safety for all content on the platform.

Responsible Community

Our Community Guidelines emphasise mutual respect. We enforce strict rules to ensure conversations among users mirror the respectful exchanges they’d have face-to-face.

Upon joining Wizz, everyone must review and agree to our guidelines, and we regularly remind users of these standards. Leveraging AI and human oversight, we oversee all activity on Wizz to pinpoint and address any guideline breaches potentially harmful to the user or others. Our guidelines cover a variety of different themes, including harassment, nudity, sexual behavior, hate speech, drugs and more.

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Wizzair info

Users who do not respect the guidelines get either a temporary restriction of features or are banned from Wizz forever.

You can read more about our Community Guidelines here.

Real People, Right Ages

At Wizz, we’re dedicated to maintaining a platform where genuine individuals connect, ensuring that every profile is authentic and that all users meet our age requirements. All profiles must pass the necessary verification to be able to use Wizz and interact with other users. To do this, when a new user joins Wizz, we ask for a few essential details:

  • Date of Birth: Wizz welcomes users aged 13 to 24, and we organise different age groups into separate communities. For instance, a 14-year-old user will only have the ability to interact with peers who are 13, 14, and 15 years old.
  • Username and Gender: Users can choose their username and gender.
  • Community Guidelines: New users receive our guidelines, which they must read and agree to. They’re then free to personalize their Wizz profile with a bio, favorite emojis, additional photos, and tags related to their interests like TV shows, games, or sports.

To verify the age and identity of our users, Wizz uses several methods:

  • Yoti’s Age Estimation: : A face-scan taken within the app that immediately launches an algorithm for age estimation to verify the accuracy of the provided birthdate.
  • Profile Verification: We match the face scan to the other photos the person used to create their profile. If we are not sure it is the same person, we do not allow access to the platform.
  • Identity Consistency Checks: We monitor for any discrepancies in age information at signup, within user profiles, or during interactions. Any doubts about age or identity mean the user cannot use the app.

Monitored & Moderated Content

We are working with one-of-a-kind software partners that blend Artificial Intelligence (AI) and human oversight to keep inappropriate content and actions off Wizz.

Our system alerts our safety experts whenever any text, image, or video violates our Community Guidelines or suggests hazardous behavior. For instance, we oversee all chats with groundbreaking text and image moderation technologies to spot and address improper conduct immediately, ensuring adherence to our Community Guidelines.

Violations of our guidelines prompt an investigation, followed by suitable measures. Depending on the infraction’s gravity, this could range from temporarily restricting features to a permanent ban from the Wizz platform.

Our AI systems are continually enhanced, drawing insights from human moderation efforts. These collaboration efforts foster robust content protection on Wizz, ensuring the safest environment for all users.

Clear Reporting Process

We strongly urge all of our users to take an active role in maintaining the integrity of the Wizz community by reporting any content, behavior, or issues that don’t align with the safe and respectful environment we strive for. To enhance the effectiveness of our review process and provide our safety team with comprehensive context, users are encouraged to attach relevant media files, such as screenshots or videos, to their reports. This can be conveniently done through the app or by visiting our website here.

Our dedicated team of safety specialists meticulously reviews each submission, ensuring that every report receives the attention it deserves. In responding to these reports, our specialists draw upon our Community Guidelines as the cornerstone of their decision-making process, aiming to deliver fair and just resolutions in each case. This thorough approach ensures that every concern is addressed with the utmost care and consideration, reinforcing our commitment to upholding a safe and welcoming platform for all users.

Safety – Wizz App (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.