Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet, #1; Chained Hearts… (2024)

❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books

2,357 reviews9,457 followers

August 19, 2022

Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet, #1; Chained Hearts… (2) Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet, #1; Chained Hearts… (3)'🆁🅴🅲🅺🅻🅴🆂🆂 🅷🅰🅽🅳🆂' Is the first full length romance book in the 'Chained Hearts' duets by T.L. Smith

Get ready to meet Adora & Joey. Adora has strived to hide in the shadows away from the life she was born into, her book store is her only salvation. Joey lives and breathes this life, with blood on his hands he's met his match in Adora. She's sassy and is not afraid to go head to head with him.

A Perfect winters day was spent inhaling this goody, an unorthodox first meeting with an arranged marriage taking place soon after. Neither of them wanting it. But this was written in ink many moons ago and is required of them to tie the knot.

Their quick witted heated banter pulled me in effortlessly making me fall in love with these two, Joey though claimed my heart fully. He had me swooning at his feet loving everything this man stood for.

She harbours a secret which could be the end of her demise. Which we aren't privy to until the end.
Just when we see them co existing and thawing we hit a cliffy which has me anticipating the next book!!

    4-stars feels-book from-enemies-to-lovers

Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕

991 reviews1,147 followers

August 25, 2022

Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet, #1; Chained Hearts… (11)

Reckless Hands starts out with a jaw dropping moment that will make you question how this story is going to unfold with everyone’s heart intact. I’m a huge fan of duets and even though I took a break from the previous couple’s books, I’m g;ad that I was able to get back into the swing of things with Joey and Adora because they’re my favorite so far.

Bookstore owner Adora wants nothing more than to have her freedom and live her life with no drama. That is all about to change when the brother of a mob boss walks in to her store and tells her about their upcoming arranged marriage. Life as she knows it is about to get more than complicated and she’s not going to make anything easy on her future husband.

Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet, #1; Chained Hearts… (12)

When I first saw this duet, I knew that this was going to be a messy love/ hate romance and I was right. These two together were hot messes and I was scared that they were going to kill each other in the process!! But with time comes reflection and acceptance and understanding and I grew to love them as a couple. You felt their connection on the pages even when they were at war and you slowly saw them start to fall for each other.

Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet, #1; Chained Hearts… (13)

Seeing that this is a duet, we were left hanging on to the edge with that cliffhanger that I didn't see coming! I’m extremely nervous for the final book because everything that I thought was going to be simple and well handled, is going to be catastrophic and I secretly can’t wait for that! Can Joey and Adora have their happily ever after in Arranged Hearts? I guess we’ll have to stay tuned…

Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet, #1; Chained Hearts… (14)

    2022-arcs 2022-reads cliffhanger

NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}

1,434 reviews85 followers

September 5, 2022

***4 "Happy F**king Wedding Day!!!" stars***

Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet, #1; Chained Hearts… (21)

"This marriage is going to be the f*cking death of me if I don't kill you first."

I was waiting like crazy Joey's turn and wow!!! T.L. Smith had my jaw dropped to the floor from the very first scene!!! I wasn't expecting what I was reading and I knew from that moment that Joey and Adora's story will be explosive!!!
Don't let me start on that cliffy!!! It made me anticipating like crazy the next story even though I feel very nervous of how things will be turned out for these two!!!

"I don't like this man, not one bit. And if I had a choice, I would never marry him."

Adora was hiding away from a fate that she never wanted and what better place to hide than under the nose of those that they are seeking you???
Joey is living his life as it should be, even though an old contract is in place for his future...
These two never wanted this kind of life, but they are been forced together in an arranged marriage that they both wanted desperately to avoid...
They aren't easy persons and complications are standing between them that are constantly making them angry toward each other....
Can these farse of a marriage turn out to be something more after all???

"Sometimes the heart is a fickle bitch, and you just have to go with your head."

I love Joey very much!!! His quiet presence was oozing power, even though he was mostly angry in here!!! But his madness was hot as hell!!!
Adora was badass and I liked that she wasn't backing out of any challenge that was coming into her way... Her personality was beautiful and her taste had several sides!!!
Adora and Joey were a match in hell but they were fitting perfectly!!!
I liked their hateful banter, their intense looks and their angry hate-love making!!!
I am really wonder where their story will lead us cause this cliffy gave me more questions than answers!!!

"f*ck. I'm going to fall in love with my wife.
And I'm not sure how I feel about that."

I thought I was reading an easygoing story until everything turned upside down and now, I am wondering what the hell is actually happening???
Is there a possibility of salvation for this marriage???
Can this newfound feelings between this couple to turned out in actual love or everything got destroyed by lies???
Can trust exist between Joey and Adora???
What is really happening here???
Just... Please, T.L. Smith, give me the next book soon!!! I need it desperately!!!

"Which love will win?
The one born of family... or the one of wife?"

**I received an ARC for the exchange of an honest review**

    arc mobster rearranged-marriage

The Romantic Rush Blog

1,961 reviews902 followers

August 25, 2022

JOEY! And what a messy beginning to his love story- love triangles, secrets, twists and turns, a complicated arranged marriage situation, those pesky unexpected feelings. TL Smith gives me everything I wanted with Joey- I just adored him. I love the concept of the “good guy” amongst the darkest men of this world- though certainly Joey isn’t innocent, he’s in the business, after all. But he’s just so lovable, charismatic, a delicious hero. I just loved him. He and Adora have chemistry, for sure, and I’m rooting for them- I want more of their story, but I didn’t always like Adora. Obviously her story is a complicated one- TL Smith always has layers to the dynamics. I felt for her not wanting to be part of this world, for feeling forced into a situation she doesn’t choose, for battling the world around her. But she also has so many secrets- while Joey’s heart is so open, even though in many ways he’s battling similar forces. I’m hopeful to see how their relationship evolves, and if perhaps connect with Adora in a way that makes me know she truly is worthy of Joey’s love. Either way- excited to see how it all pans out.

Keri Loves Books

1,243 reviews194 followers

August 27, 2022

This one will take you for a ride! Twists, a love triangle, and an arranged marriage will keep you on your toes. And just when you are feeling good…the carpet gets ripped out from under you!!!

Joey is about to meet his match and she’s going to make him work for every single thing she gives him.

Adora has secrets. She’s been hiding and trying to just live a normal life. She just wants some hot hook-ups and her romance books and she’s happy. A simple, uncomplicated life.

Then Joey comes crashing into her world and turns it upside down. She fled mafia life, now she’s been dragged back in kicking and screaming.

It’s going to get messy. It’s going to get smokin’ hot! It’s going to have you torn at times. Joey and Adora are complicated. When they get it together, they are perfection. If only the outside world wasn’t set on tearing them apart.

All I can say is …I AM READY FOR MORE!


173 reviews75 followers

September 2, 2022

the smut was good. there was some questionable dialogue about the bisexual fmc that i did not like. basically she was sleeping with a woman and the mmc said he can’t marry someone who likes puss* more than co*ck 🤨🤨. seems very biphobic to me bc she can literally like dick too ugh. but then someone put him in his place and told him that she can like men AND women and so i decided that i’d give it a 2nd chance rather than dnf (i am bisexual btw lol who wants to date me). the plot and storyline was pretty good but i didn’t really like the ending. anyways. this was my last book of august. horrible slump. hopefully september will be better. also while i’m here, sorry i’ve been so inactive. school is a bitch.

Reading with 2 book lovers Sarah P -

3,371 reviews48 followers

August 23, 2022

Oh joey I've been waiting for his story and the first half of it did not dissapoint. This is book 1 of a duet and a must read

Teresa Lara

3,149 reviews48 followers

August 16, 2022

Love this series
Love this Mafia family
Joey and Adoras broken dark twisted intense emotional heartstopping arrangement love story
All the feels
Don't leave me hanging
Gimme arranged hearts
Need more


945 reviews


January 4, 2023

+ Shelves: heroine-bisexual, ff-sex-scenes, heroine-sexual-stuff-with-ow, heroine-with-ow-after-meeting-hero, love-triangle, heroine-cheater, arranged-forced-marriage, enemies-to-lovers, age-gap, mf, mafia-crime-world, duets, cliffhanger

🚫 S P O I L E R 🚫

La primera escena que tenemos de Joey & Adora, es cuando él (junto con su hermano Keir) acude a la librería de Adora... y la encuentra teniendo sexo con otra mujer. (Becca, la otra mujer, le está practicando sexo oral entre las piernas)
Menos mal las irrumpe Joey y su hermano y no un niño con sus padres. 🙄
Allí mismo Keir les comunica a Joey & Adora que se tienen que casar, y que a partir de ese momento están comprometidos.
Mientras ambos planifican la boda, Adora sigue viendo y FOLLANDO con Becca (Incluso después de Joey y ella besarse) Adora incluso permite que Becca la acompañe a comprar su vestido de novia. Joey es consciente de todo, de que su prometida lo engaña con otra mujer, pero es demasiado pasivo y felpudo como para reaccionar.
Y sip, tenemos varias escenas sexuales (y descriptivas) entre Adora & Becca.
Adora asegura que es bisexual y que ha estado con muchas mujeres y muchos hombres, pero que nunca ha tenido una relación ni citas. Por eso molesta aún más su cambio de "política" cuando está a las puertas del altar. Sobretodo con una chica/Becca que en realidad prácticamente ni conoce. Que conoció recientemente (Casi al mismo tiempo que a Joey) No se trata de un viejo amor, de una chica que lleva amando desde hace años. Nop. Si fuera un "romance" que Becca y ella llevan arrastrando hace mucho tiempo, no justificaría la deslealtad a su futuro esposo (Al que desea y con el que se ha besado, recordemos) pero al menos tendría un mejor argumento.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    genre-contemporary h-not-celibe-after-connection-hero hero-doormat-idiot

Mandy Reads Indie

1,745 reviews95 followers

August 23, 2022

Ok. Here’s the deal. I never read Lucas and Chenal’s duet so I am probably missing a huge chunk of Adora’s life. At least that’s how I feel. There seems to be some history with them, especially Lucas and Adora.

Now, here’s where I had trouble with this book. The first part I didn’t feel any kind of way towards Joey and Adora. I never felt a connection between them and then they kept bickering, acting like spoiled little kids. It was hard for me to form any kind of feelings for them as characters. In fact, it was kind of grating on my nerves. Oh if there was ever a time to slap a character!

But I will say, once they started uniting for the sake of the marriage, I really enjoyed them. Like a lot. As they had put it, they were in their own little “bubble”. And I really enjoyed them. They connected. I felt I had connected. It just ended up being wonderful however you looked at it.

Then once home from their “bubble”, it got all weird again. That warm, fuzzy feeling I started to feel dissipated. And that sucked. I really disliked all the disconnection/reconnection I felt with this story. Some parts just sat sour with me while some were truly amazing. Especially that ending. Holy heck. It shook this whole storyline right the f*ck up. I cannot wait to see how this all gets explained.

And p.s. I really need to read Lucas’ story. He kept me smiling the entire book with how he would heckle Joey. 4 Stars!


51 reviews2 followers

August 23, 2022

Reckless Hands introduces us to Joey and Adora two characters who truly cannot stand each other but end up in an arranged marriage. The best way for me to explain this book is that it is true enemies to lovers both characters completely hate each other for the majority of the book but cannot deny the tension and attraction between them. Adora is a sassy firecracker that is not afraid to speak her mind, even to a man like Joey, which makes their relationship even rockier than it already is. This book is filled with banter, tension, and amazing smut. This book was pretty fast-paced which made it very easy to get in to. There is a cliffhanger at the end but book two, Arranged Hearts, comes out on September 26, 2022 which is not too far from now, so I will definitely be reading that as well. I really recommend this book it was a pretty fast but enjoyable read.


548 reviews721 followers

September 25, 2022

Note: I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Note 2: This is a duet set in the world of chained hearts. Please read in order. Arranged Hearts concludes this duet.

I was so excited for Joey and Adora's book, since it had been a long time coming. I mean Lucas and Keir were already my favorites, and so were Sailor and Chanel, so I held hope for these two too.

But damn was I disappointed.

For one thing, the characters are way too immature for my taste, and can never have a conversation without someone's feathers being ruffled. Spying, stalking, sorry it looked attractive on Lucas, not Joey. And the fact that the heroine sleeps with both the girl, and almost with the dude (bisexual rep for y'all) shouldn't there be some kinda waiting time, confession period of feelings, before someone sleeps with somebody? Romance was non-existent, the writing was addictive but meh I just couldn't get into the story. The cliffhanger was the only thing worth keeping it all together.

Sigh...Adora was not my type. And joey was done terribly. They deserved better and so did I.

And I am definitely sure I will not be reading Arranged hearts..slightly at a crossroads whether I want to continue with this world at all.

Sigh, only time will tell.

Until the next read,



10 reviews7 followers

December 23, 2022

I've been dying to read this book since I finished the previous ones in the series. I'm so pleased I finally had the chance to read itbecause I've fallen in love with all of the characters and I couldn't wait to meet our sweeter and calmer Rossi brother. And I love Adora, our fellow passionate reader, and how she can hold her own.

Femke Maelfait

98 reviews

January 27, 2023

Echt alsof een 13 jarig meisje op wattpad zat. Geen deftig verhaal, alles was geforceerd en echt cringe. Maar het was niet saai slecht dus 2 sterren voor de moeite.

Erin Figueiredo

3,118 reviews67 followers

August 24, 2022

Get ready for some extreme emotional ups and downs with this one! Joey and Adora’s story is really intense, definitely an enemies to lovers story, but more on the extreme loathing and hate side than lovers. My heart got continually battered and bruised with all of the emotional turmoil and angst being thrown around.

I had a very hard time like Adora right from the get-go. There is so much pent-up anger in her and I know she has all kinds of secrets she’s hiding. The amount of animosity and hatred she holds towards the mafia life just oozed out of her and had me seething over it. She slowly starts to show her good side and closer to the end I was kind of liking her – UNITL THE END!!! Now I think I hate her again!

Joey is probably the best match for Adora in every way. He’s just as bitter and angry but quickly softens his heart for her. I hated the way she treated him, but he wasn’t any better then her.

The story is fast-paced, action packed, thrilling, violent, suspenseful and deliciously smutty. There is no way that you will be able to put it down once you start. Be ready for all the panty melting, toe-curling and jaw dropping moments – because there are quite a few.

A true enemies to lovers story that left me utterly reeling at the end. There are so many unanswered questions after that shocking cliffhanger of an ending that I don’t know how I am going to be able to hang on until the next book comes out.

Nagma (Take A Look At My Bookshelf)

1,388 reviews94 followers

Want to read

August 8, 2022

I saw a teaser and now I want to read it so bad!

Me_myself_and_romance_ Books

426 reviews

August 24, 2022

From page one tl had me glued to the seat. The way they met had me giggling. I have read every book in this series and it keeps getting better. What to expect in this book adora owns the book shop when Joey visits with his brother and is told that this is wife to be. It is an arranged marriage, mafia, close proximity, push and push and heartbreakingly beautiful read.

The connection between them was everything and it kept me wanting more. I loved having having the other characters appear because it just made me remember how much I loved tl smiths writing more. You can read them as duets/ standalone but why would you as each follow on from each other and adora appears in Chanel and Lucas’ duet. Again this book is a duet so expect unexplained answers to questions you’ll have like me.

I was screaming so loud no no no. I cannot wait to read book two and get emotionally entangled with them again. I highly recommend this read. I received an arc to give an honest opinion.


322 reviews13 followers

August 29, 2022

Enemies to lovers
Arranged marriage
FF scenes

Adora & Joey

I really like this authors writing style, I found myself not checking how much was left because the flow of writing was so nice.

These two have had an arranged marriage most of their lives, but have lived separate and not interacted. Adora has even gone so far as trying to hide in plain sight, which works until Joey shows up at her bookstore.

Neither one of them is interested in marrying the other, but it’s out of their hands. These two HATE each other and are not shy about letting the other one know. I really liked the push and pull, they each had moments where I was like damn, that’s harsh or they had my chuckling at their antics.

Once their married, Adora decides to try to make things work, but Joey still holds back because he wants her to want him, not just accept him. I really liked watching how they navigated through this new arrangement and watching them fall for one another.

That cliffhanger though, I was like damnit, why?!?! We were THIS close haha, but I’m early awaiting part 2, and getting the answers.. cause I know Joey will demand them!!


511 reviews63 followers

August 29, 2022

This was my favorite book in the series.
Totally unexpected turn of events.
This was intriguing from the very beginning.
It was dark, twisted, with a dash of heartbreak.
Love the chemistry between Adora and Joey.
I especially enjoyed their love+hate relationship.
Anxiously waiting for the next book.


1,112 reviews17 followers

August 17, 2022

“It’s in this moment I know without a doubt that she will consume me, wholly.”

Reckless Hands consumed me from the first page. I had been eagerly awaiting the arranged marriage story of Joey and Adora and it was full of surprising twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

“Not only is he a god at knowing my body and how it reacts, but he is hard when warranted and soft when needed. We match perfectly.”

Joey and Adora are both a lot alike and both of them broke my heart a little bit. They both can be cruel and hard but have a loving heart buried underneath. Both are afraid to trust what they feel but can’t help but give into the sparks that fly between them.

“There will never be another you, nor has there ever been. You have no competition.”

I loved Joey from the previous books and his humor and heart really shined in this book. It took me a bit to warm up to Adora, but once I did, I loved her feistiness and independent spirit. They were both so passionate and sarcastic. I loved their banter and chemistry. It was off the charts explosive.

“Sometimes the rockiest of starts can lead to the best outcomes.”

Full of secrets, lies, betrayal, yearning, and all consuming passion, Reckless Hands will take you on a thrilling rollercoaster ride from the first page to the last. That cliffhanger at the end will have you breathlessly waiting for the next book to find out what happens next.

Sarah Dale

2,936 reviews74 followers

August 21, 2022

4.5 delicious stars

I have been looking forward to Joey and Adora's story and TL has not disappointed us.

This book sets everything up for Joey and Adora and even though they did not get on at first I was rooting for them, Their relationship is most certainly fiesty and if this is the first part of the duet I am super excited to see what is going to happen in the second part and I have a feeling it will be quite the ride.

Adora has been trying to live a normal life after escaping her mafia world but when Joey turns up and tips it upside down dragging her back into the world she escaped from kicking and screaming. Even though the circ*mstance between them they are honestly perfect together

The pace was fast but it kept your attention throughout. I started this late last night whilst my husband watched the boxing and I couldn't put it down until I had finished it in the early hours.

Can't wait for part 2 and see what twists, turns and secrets are going to playout.

I was gifted a copy of this book from the Author. This is my honest opinion

    2022-reads august-2022 contemporary-romance

Clare Harrison

1,074 reviews14 followers

August 20, 2022

When you find the girl you are meant to marry wrapped around another, in the throws of passion what should you do...?

Wow! This hot and steamy, quick read more than hit the mark!

I went in semi blind, but I have read the other books in this crazy mafia family, so I thought I knew what I was in for.


This book blew my mind in a thousand different ways and then some!

Adora my gosh *swoons* she's amazing and so perfect! I loved that she lived outside the box society puts us in. Her beautiful heart, and her sassy diva mouth made my day!

Joey, Joey, Joey what can I say! He's the good one of the family, if there is such a thing! And he really does deserve to be happy but yeah fate... fickle.... not happening easily... poor chap!

The way they moved together was mesmerising. I literally couldn't put this book down, and I read the whole thing in one sitting. Which is very rare for me these days might I add!

This here is "my book" and I can easily see myself rereading this a thousand times over.


1,019 reviews7 followers

August 19, 2022

This book completely sucked me in right from the start. It’s a quick read especially because you won’t be able to put it down. The cliffhanger is rough! I need the next book to know what happens.

I absolutely loved Joey right from the start. I have like him in the other books in this series so I was excited for his book. He’s definitely got a dark and dangerous side but we see some vulnerability in this book as he opened up more to Adora. I will be honest and say that I didn’t really like Adora at first. I know their situation sucked but I just hated how she treated Joey. She did grow on me some throughout the book but with that cliffhanger, now I don’t know what to think of her.

You won’t be able to put this book down once you pick it up; you’ve been warned. There’s certainly the unexpected twists that I have loved in this series and that will keep you on the edge of your seat until you can get the next book. I think Joey is my favorite in this series so I can’t wait to see what Smith has planned for him.


562 reviews2 followers

August 23, 2022

I feel like I am some kind of expert on Arranged Marraiges and this book was NOTHING like what I expected. Our heroine is in love with someone else and our hero just wants her to want him. Then that ending - a questionable betrayal! Why do I have to wait till September??

Other than that I loved reading about Joey. As Variety Gossip says - he is the "Nice" brother. I also loved learning about Adora. This woman has secrets deeper than the Titanic and it can be infuriating at time. I also want to point out that the smut is next level incredible - something I have learned that TL Smith is incredible at! Bravo to this author!

Tanya Rae ~ TaSTy WordGasms

2,277 reviews

August 18, 2022

I have been highly anticipating reading Reckless Hands. Which is the first book in this duet, Joey and Adora’s story. This is all a part of the Chained Hearts Series and there are 2 other stories that have already been told. Keir and Sailor’s Duet #1 and #2 and Lucas and Chanel’s Duet #1 and #2. Each of these duets can be read as standalones within the series. But don’t you want to know who all the people are that play a big part in this new duet with Joey and Adora? I know I would!

Joey is Keir’s brother and whereas Keir got to marry for love Joey is supposed to marry Adora and that has been set up a very long time ago. Neither of them can break the contract. Adora does her best to get out of it and what a story that was told!

Reckless Hands is a dark romance, arranged marriage, mafia romance! And this book met every expectation I had! But do remember that it is a dark romance and may have some triggers for those that have them. For me it was a 5+ STAR read! I loved it and am now looking forward to Arranged Marriage, Book 2 of Joey and Adora’s story. Especially since Reckless Hands ended on a cliffie! I have to see what happens next!

    5-stars alpha-male arranged-marriage

Sarah (lou_reads_romance)

1,059 reviews

August 19, 2022

4.5 Stars..🌟

Ahh Joey! I’ve been so looking forward to the second-in-command brother….he was everything I had hoped he would be.
I actually felt sorry for him on more than one occasion as he so desperately wanted his arranged marriage to work!
His new wife, Adora is an absolute firecracker! And who can blame her? I love her fire, her independence, her need for control and also the fact that she goes for who and what she wants..No apologies!
Great hot and steamy scenes with some FF action for a change. Wonderful back and forth banter between Joey and Adora held my attention easily throughout the whole story.

Loving the humour between the brothers and Lucas, with the latter being his usual inappropriate self…..this series wouldn’t be right without his little touches!

Oh but the cliffy….beautifully placed and I can see it will change the whole tone of the story and I also hope it will bring another side to Joey for us to fall in love with….can’t wait!

Melissa J (Book Addicts Reviews)

1,089 reviews90 followers

September 25, 2022

5 stars!!

This is book 5 in the “Chained Hearts” duet world and book one of “Joey and Adora”. I believe this can be read without reading other books but they are all so good and the characters do show up quite a bit so I suggest reading them all!!

Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet, #1; Chained Hearts… (45)*Author-made teaser. I acknowledge the copyrights of the photographers who own these images.

Wowzers!! Ok I knew I liked Joey from other books. Adora I wasn’t so sure of. But I knew drama was coming. I f*cking love Joey and have grew to adore Adora. Though I will say I wanted to shake her a few times. The sex is hot with these two. The tension was amazing and then when it happened. Holy hell!!!

I love reading a book and other characters I fell in love with show us how they are doing in their lives. I love Chanel and Lucas as well as Keir and Sailor. Trust me if you read all the books you will as well.

Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet, #1; Chained Hearts… (46)

This book has a little bit of everything. If you love sexy bad ass mafia men who want to please then look no further. Don’t worry we have pretty amazing woman characters as well. Just know this book may make you tear up as well. Oh and do not forget the laughs. You may laugh your ass off. Get ready for a ride!!

**I received a copy of this book as an ARC and in return gave my honest review**

Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet, #1; Chained Hearts… (47)


    arc-read part-of-a-series


4,780 reviews45 followers

August 25, 2022

Wow, this is a hot one! The intro already got me hooked, iykyk 😉 Then Joey and Adora's story continues with lots of twists and turns. I especially loved their chemistry and their banter. Their story is definitely a different take on arranged marriage. More because of Adora's character. She's definitely a different FMC I've read before. But I had fun reading their book because of her sassiness. I can't wait for the next book. Because I need to know what's going on with Adora and her secret.


2,172 reviews

August 27, 2022

Joey and Adoras story left me waiting for the one badly!! Both really can’t stand each other but it’s pretty much useless to avoid the inevitable, I really liked Joey but Adora not so much but I understood why she had the attitude she did and I did like that if she was going down it was going to be in a blaze of glory lol


1,530 reviews159 followers

August 24, 2022

Ooooh this one was sooo good! Joey and Adora bring all the angst and fiery passion I absolutely loved these two! I love the twists and turns the riveting characters are just everything we see past characters from this family of mobsters and Joey had me swooning so hard and that ending left my jaw on the floor I can’t wait for the conclusion to their story!

Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet, #1; Chained Hearts… (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6199

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.